Monday, 16 March 2015

You have the final SAY!

The world would never have been a better place without my brilliant girls. My African pride and joy. As you grow to be the fine, confident and empowered ladies that you are, remember that part of your calling is to make an impact in our world.
My daughters, you have the power to make a positive difference in Africa and the world,
Your voice is your signatory to your chosen campaign.  
Your support is your commitment to your chosen campaign.
Your action is your pledge to your chosen campaign.
Your thought process is your passion to your chosen campaign. 
The world needs your participation, the world needs your voice. 
Stand together as one. 
The time is NOW!
You have the power most importantly, 
You have the final Say! 

Photo Credit 

Written by: Naomi Peterz


  1. Wow! Powerful, speechless......well spoken

  2. Beautiful piece of writing! WE HAVE THE FINAL SAY!!!

  3. Amazing. I have to put this on my wall.
